Thursday, 6 December 2012

Some plans!

So, since I've shared my latest photos with you, I thought I'd do a blog update and let my followers know what I have planned for the near future.

So, since my Personal Project is coming to an end, I have to start thinking of what to do for my Exhibition project, which is a body of work which will be exhibited in May 2013. Since I usually like working in the field of Fashion and Portraiture, that's where I've decided I'm going to say.

I have always wanted to do something involving Disney Princesses... I love the Disney films, and I love what they stand for, innocence, purity, kindnes... But I've never known how I'd go about doing this and making it look good... I don't want to use crappy costumes and naff ideas...

So, I've been talking to a local designer, KMD Designs... Telling Katie (The wonderful owner!) My idea, and asking would she be interested in a collaboration. Since she makes prom dresses, suits and other bespoke items, this could be a fab way of showing off what she can do, through my photos. They can also be used as advertising, interesting posters etc!

We've also decided we're not going to do things as happy and as colourful as Disney. I want to bring it back to the original roots, like in the Brothers Grimm stories... Which you'll find some of the "Disney" princesses originated...The original roots are dark and depressing, not at all the way Disney have portrayed them.

So, we're wondering what princesses we should do. I really like the idea of Snow White. She was the original Princess. Where as she isn't "Brothers Grimm" I really like the idea of twisting the story and making it dark.

Anyway, I'd love to hear your opinion on this...


Saturday, 1 December 2012

Fashion is Rubbish!

So here are some of the shots following yesterday's 2nd Fashion is Rubbish photoshoot. This time, I used 4 different models, and I think it worked really well. Lesley wasn't modelling this time, so she could concentrate full time on making the amazing costumes you see the girls wearing, all out of bin bags and egg trays!
Models: Beccy Kelly, Laura Hughes, Simone Marr and Hollie Lynch.

I used the same MUA as last time, and introduced 2 new girls who wanted to learn, they brought some awesome tips and ideas to the table and both worked really hard to get the look I wanted.

I can't decide which shoot I think worked the best. I feel confident that I've explored different routes of rubbish and their "Wearability" (Yeah, a new Sarah word there! ;) ) and I love the colours that we've managed to experiment with.

That's all for now, I'll update with more later! <3 

- Sarah x